What is Linguo?
Linguo is a trustless dApp that matches freelance translators with jobs, and vice versa. There are existing services in which translation can be recruited, but none(?) that are both trustless and take payments in ETH.The dApp has not yet launched, but the Kleros team has stated that this is because they are optimizing the contracts gas usage;
There is an escrowed deposit from both the job requestor and the translator who accepts the task. Once the translation is done, it is posted publicly for review and any of the translator’s fellow freelancers are able to review it and dispute the translation. If the dispute is upheld by the Kleros Dispute Resolution Layer, the translator who provided it loses their deposit.
This is an interesting feature because frankly I cannot read Chinese, so I would just be taking someone’s word for it if they gave me a translation.
Linguo will support many languages; Chinese, Japanese, Korean, Russian, French, Spanish, etc…
What's the Idea and Why?
The Idea
Once Linguo has launched and it is apparent that it is functioning as intended, the idea is that the DAO can vote to translate all relevant materials from English to ______. Blog posts, developer documents, the help center, etc. could all be translated to any language supported by the system.Why?
Because we want to broaden the userbase. Smart contracts and DeFi are accessible anywhere with an internet connection, but for many the lack of fluency in English could be a barrier. We want their participation, too.Links
Announcement blog (here)
Kleros one pager (here) white paper (here) and technical paper (here)
Linguo beta on Kovan (here)
Next steps
If anyone is interested please signal interest with the poll below, and chime in with any additional ideas or comments. If positive interest is signaled this will need to be put on standby for the launch of Linguo.- Interested - send idea to proposal
- Uninterested - scrap this
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